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Information Technology National Standards

I. Impact on Society
Achievement Standard: Assess the impact of information technology in a global society.

II. Hardware
Achievement Standard: Describe current and emerging hardware; configure, install, and upgrade hardware; diagnose problems; and repair hardware.

III. Operating Systems and Utilities
Achievement Standard: Identify, evaluate, select, install, use, upgrade, customize, and diagnose and solve problems with various types of operating systems and utilities.

IV. Input Technologies
Achievement Standard: Use various input technologies to enter and manipulate information appropriately.

V. Productivity Software
Achievement Standard: Identify, evaluate, select, install, use, upgrade, and customize productivity software; diagnose and solve software problems.

VI. Interactive Media
Achievement Standard: Use multimedia software to create media rich projects.

VII. Web Development and Design
Achievement Standard: Design, develop, test, implement, update, and evaluate web solutions.

VIII. Information Retrieval and Synthesis
Achievement Standard: Gather, evaluate, use, cite, and disseminate information from technology sources.

IX. Database Management Systems
Achievement Standard: Use, plan, develop, and maintain database management systems.

X. Systems Analysis and Design
Achievement Standard: Analyze and design information systems using appropriate development tools.

XI. Programming and Application Development
Achievement Standard: Design, develop, test, and implement programs.

XII. Telecommunications and Networking Infrastructures
Achievement Standard: Develop the skills to design, deploy, and administer networks and telecommunications systems.

XIII. Information Technology Planning and Acquisition
Achievement Standard: Plan the selection and acquisition of information technologies.

XIV. Security, Privacy, and Risk Management
Achievement Standard: Design and implement security, privacy, and risk management policies and procedures for information technology.

XV. Ethical and Legal Issues
Achievement Standard: Describe, analyze, develop, and follow policies for managing ethical and legal issues in organizations and in a technology-based society

XVI. Technical Support and Training
Achievement Standard: Develop the technical and interpersonal skills and knowledge to train and support the user community.

XVII. Information Technology and Business Functions
Achievement Standard: Describe the information technology components of business functions and explain their interrelationships.

XVIII. Information Technology Careers
Achievement Standard: Explore positions and career paths in information technology.

National Standards for Business Education


Here are some helpful links-

WR Schedules/Calendars - WR Website

Download Web Development 1 & 2 Syllabus

Download AP Computer Science Syllabus


Please follow the correct link below to see daily assignments and information.

AP Computer Science Principles


Web Design 1 & 2


Golden Oak Adult School Classes

Download Web Development 1 & 2 Syllabus

Download Coach Burrill's AP Computer Science Syllabus

Email Coach Burrill- cburrill@hartdistrict.org

My name is Casey Burrill, I grew up here in the SCV and now live in Pine Mountain Club about an hour north of West Ranch. I graduated from Hart HS, played baseball at USC, and spent some time in the minor leagues with the Atlanta Braves. I earned a business degree form USC with a marketing emphasis. Needless to say I am very passionate about my Alma Mater. I cheer for the Los Angeles Kings and take it hard when they struggle and cry tears of joy when they win! I love the LA Dodgers and watch as many of the games as possible.

My wife Kris and I have 2 children.  Both have graduated from college. We have 2 dogs named Jasper and Max. Plus two cats Bailey and Luc. My father taught for 34 years at Canyon HS and retired after teaching at Valencia HS. Mom taught for LA Unified school district for over 35 years. Teaching is the family curse. My brother Brady teaches math here at West Ranch and our sister teaches at Rancho Pico. I have a brother-in-law and sister-in-law who both teach at Valencia HS. I got my teaching start at Valencia HS and stayed for 2 years, then on to Saugus HS for 4, and was on the original staff at West Ranch back in 2004.

I coach baseball here at West Ranch with my brother and that consumes most of my free time. I am the original head baseball coach and love being on the field with the players.

I started a web design class named Home Page Production my second year at Valencia HS in 1998. I have been teaching a web design course ever since. We have recently changed the course to Web Development and have added a Web Development 2. I love designing web pages and teaching the craft to my students.

I am excited to also teach AP Computer science Principals. 2016 was my first year teaching the course and it has been awesome! An amazing experience for any student interested in technology, coding, or computer science.

This will be another fun but different year!

Casey Burrill

Information Technology National Standards

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY is radically changing the landscape of business and the global society. Once viewed as an area only for computer programmers, engineers, and scientists, the information technology field is now viewed as an indispensable resource for organizational and personal productivity—that is, for achieving an organization’s business goals, and for facilitating the attainment of an individual’s life and career goals.

Mastery of technology tools is a requirement rather than an option for enhancing academic, business, and personal performance. To prepare students to be successful in today’s global business environment, which is increasingly dependent on—and defined by—technology tools, educators must focus on the use of technology as a tool for facilitating business functions.

Accordingly, business educators should:

  • coordinate information technology instruction in business education and across the curriculum;
  • teach students to value information technology and the impact it has on their lives;
  • develop students’ ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and apply technologies to solve problems, increase productivity, and
  • improve their quality of life;
  • foster the development of interpersonal and service quality skills;
  • encourage ethical, legal, and responsible behavior;
  • emphasize information technology as a common thread throughout all areas of business;
  • encourage students to respect intellectual property, personal privacy, and information security; and
    be catalysts for change.

From the National Standards for Business Education © 2007 by the National Business Education Association, 1914 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191.

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