--Online Distance Learning Assignments and Information--
AP Test Information
Section I: End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Exam- Thursday May 15, 2025 at 12pm in the WR Gym.
70 Multiple-Choice Questions | 120 Minutes | 70% of Score | 4 answer options
57 single-select multiple-choice
5 single-select with reading passage about a computing innovation
8 multiple-select multiple-choice: select 2 answers
Section II: Create Performance Task- Project Due Tuesday April 30, 8:59pm PST.
30% of Score
Students will develop a computer program of their choice. Students need at least 16 hours of in-class time to complete.
Written Response questions about Your Code on AP Exam Day.
AP Computer Science Principles Period Information
Period 2 |
Period 4 |
Period 6 |
Code.org Class Code-
Code.org Class Code-
Code.org Class Code-
AP Test Class Code-
L43W4A |
AP Test Class Code-
L6NP2R |
AP Test Class Code-
2024-2025 Assignments, Help, and Information
Week 27 |

Day 63- Monday March 10

Day 64- Wednesday March 12

Day 65- Friday March 14
Do Work!!
App Lab Workspace for Performance Task
App due date is Wednesday March 26 by the end of the class. 50pts.
You should be at least, half-way done with your App today!
Check-In #2 on Tuesday May 18- 10 pts
Week 26 |

Day 61- Tuesday March 4
App Lab Workspace for Performance Task
AP Computer Science Principles: Student Handouts
Create PT Survival Guide 23-24
Performance Task Overview Video (5min)
App due date is Wednesday March 26 by the end of the class. 50pts.
In your program, you must include student-developed program code that contains the following:
- Planning Guide Page- Title, Purpose, and Screens- What does your app do for it's user? Why would someone want to use your App? What will the App look like? How will it work? Instructions for input from one of the following:the user (including user actions that trigger events)
- a device
- an online data stream
- a file
- List Planning Page- Use of at least one list (or other collection type) to represent a collection of data that is stored and used to manage program complexity and help fulfill the program’s purpose
- IMPORTANT: The data abstraction must make the program easier to develop (alternatives would be more complex) or easier to maintain (future changes to the size of the list would otherwise require significant modifications to the program code).
- Procedure Planning Page 1 , Procedure Planning Page 2- At least one procedure that contributes to the program’s intended purpose, where you have defined:
- the procedure’s name
- the return type (if necessary)
- one or more parameters
IMPORTANT: Implementation of built-in or existing procedures or language structures, such as event handlers or main methods, are not considered student-developed.
- An algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration that is in the body of the selected procedure
- Calls to your student-developed procedure
- Instructions for output (tactile, audible, visual, or textual) based on input and program functionality
App Lab Workspace for Performance Task
Some Coach B App ideas-
Weather, Shopping, Sports Stats, Finaancial Calculator, Hobbies, Uno, Trivia, Recipe/Cooking, How-To, Passwords, Fantasy Sports, Music Playlist, Pizza Toppings, Driving Directions, Card or Board Game, Ebay, Schedule Planner, Jokes, Roll Dice, Racing, Predict the Future, Social Media, Arts & Crafts, News Generator, Car Repairs, Build a Computer, Fuel Efficiency, Famous Quotes, Calendar, Pac-Man, Rating Pictures/Drawings, Jeopardy, Choose a College, Record Collection, Gift Suggestions, What's for Dinner, History/Timeline of Something, GPA Calculator, Build-A-Something, I am Bored, Drink Water, Sleep Tracker, Checkers, Match Maker, Workout Tracker, Tetris, Sports Cards, Gas Mileage, Insurance, Pack for a Trip, Tell a Story, Parking Meter, Mental Health, Notes, Jewelry, Buy/Sell Things, Concert Ticket Broker, Tip Calculator, Pet Care, Earthquake Preparedness, Food Delivery, Translator, Streaming Services, Food Donations, Interior Design, Event Planning, Halloween, Travel, Karaoke, Wheel of Fortune, Meidcation Tracker, Tutoring, Motivational, Recycle, Coupons, Simon Says, Flashcards, Meme Generator, Podcast Directory, Online Store, To-Do List, Typing Practice, Voting, Elevator, Battleship, Star Gazing, Gossip, Shuffle Cards, Reservations, Surveys, Tic-Tac-Toe, Home Repairs, Deal or No Deal, Child Names, Warranty Expires, Find Band Members, Wildlife, Maze, , etc... What did I miss?? Got a better idea?!?!
Find someone to work with- You both need different apps!
Record where you got things- code, pictures, ideas, help, video, text, etc...
Back-Up your code and other App items- Google Drive best place.
Make it simple- Do not get caught making something complicated and long.
Be you- Be different, competitive, creative, interested, engaged, proud, unique, enthusiastic, efficient, and have fun!
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What will do after we create our app--
- PDF of Code
- Video
- Code Snipets- PPRs
- What is PPR- 4 PPR Catagories- Personalized Project Reference
- Program Design, Function, and Purpose
- Algorithm Development
- Errors and Testing
- Data and Procedural Abstraction
- The Create performance task section of the end-of-course exam consists of four prompts that require students to write responses that demonstrate understanding of their personal Create performance task. The specific prompts will vary across the different versions of the exam. Students will have access to their student-authored Personalized Project Reference (PPR), as long as it was submitted as final via the AP Digital Portfolio, when responding to these prompts.
- Human Help on Coding
- Chat GPT and AI
- Images and Graphics
- Comments in your code
- When to use comments
- When not to use comments
- 1 Hour to Respond to PPR Questions on Test Day
- How to submit your video, code, and PPR- AP Digital Portfolio
- Dates-
- Our in class deadline will be March 27 (6 Class Periods)
- Final upload date for College Board is April 30- 8:59pm our time
- AP Test- May 15
- What if I did not sign-up for the AP Exam?
2024 College Board Examples with Grading
Examples 1-
Examples 2-

Day 62- Thursday March 6
Week 25 |

Day 58- Monday February 24
- Work on Your App
- Present to class on Friday
Hungry Burrill Meal Tracker |
Whack-A-Burrill Game |
Use graphics and images to make your App fun and appealing.
- Tell a story of Coach B or his brother going to Chi-Chi's to have a meal
- One of us orders the following-
- Soft Drink
- Orderve/Appetizer
- Main Course
- Desert
- Each category has different options for a Coach B to choose from
- Your App calculates-
- Price- including tax and tip
- Calories consumed
- Track 3 days worth of Burrill meals
- Have a "Credit" page for Chi-Chi's Restaurant
Chi-Chi's Menu

Use graphics and images to make your App fun and appealing.
- Include a game instructions page
- Your game needs to keep score
- A timer would be awesome, otherwise use score to stop game
- You should have a "Burrill of Death" image appear randomlye, it is my Brother's face. Hitting his face would end your game immediately
- Have a Top 3 scores list
- Multiple players can participate and be tracked
- Includes player's name when competing
Whac-A-Mole Game Information


Day 59- Wednesday February 26
- Work on Your App
- Present to class on Friday

Day 60- Friday February 28
Today you PresentYour App!!
Week 24 |
Day 56- Tuesday February 18
- The Details-
- Groups of 1-3 people
- 30 Points
- Each student needs the App in their own App Lab
- Back-up your code and images using a Google Doc
- 4 1/2 class periods to work on it
- Present your app in class!
- Friday February 28
- Last 45 minutes of class
- Use as much programming lingo as you can when presenting to class. Use your Google Presentation from last class to find some vocab to use.
- App Lab Sandbox
- C Burrill Image - B Burrill Image - There are more Burrill brother pictures online if you do a Google image search
- Below are your 2 App choices
Hungry Burrill Meal Tracker |
Whack-A-Burrill Game |
Use graphics and images to make your App fun and appealing.
- Tell a story of Coach B or his brother going to Chi-Chi's to have a meal
- One of us orders the following-
- Soft Drink
- Orderve/Appetizer
- Main Course
- Desert
- Each category has different options for a Coach B to choose from
- Your App calculates-
- Price- including tax and tip
- Calories consumed
- Track 3 days worth of Burrill meals
- Have a "Credit" page for Chi-Chi's Restaurant
Chi-Chi's Menu

Use graphics and images to make your App fun and appealing.
- Include a game instructions page
- Your game needs to keep score
- A timer would be awesome, otherwise use score to stop game
- You should have a "Burrill of Death" image appear randomlye, it is my Brother's face. Hitting his face would end your game immediately
- Have a Top 3 scores list
- Multiple players can participate and be tracked
- Includes player's name when competing
Whac-A-Mole Game Information


Day 57- Thursday February 20
Work on your App- 3 Class Periods Left
Week 23 |

Day 54- Monday February 10
- Unit 5 Lessons 15-17 (12 pts)
- End of Unit 5 Test- (10pts)
- 21 Questions
- Each question worth .5 points
- Solo or Partner

Day 55- Wednesday February 12
Programming Terms and Vocabulary Google Slides Project (10pts)
- 1-3 People per Group
- Everyone needs a Presentation
- Everyone Must Share with cburrill@hartdistrict.org
- Due by end of class today
- Our Programming Vocab List
- App Lab
- Turtle Programming
- Javascript
- Psuedocode
- Algorithm
- Top Down Design
- Iterate
- Selection
- Abstration
- Conditionals
- IF Statement
- IF Else Statement
- Loop / Iterations
- While Loop
- For Loop
- Boolean
- Logical Operators
- Psuedorandom
- Lists / Array
- Data Library
- Hard-Coded List
- User input to List
- getColumn
- Variable
- Assign Operator
- Initialize a Variable
- String Variable
- Number Variable
- Concatenation
- Local Variable
- Global Variable
- Expression
- Function
- Calling a Function
- Function Body
- Define a Function
- Precondition
- Postcondition
- Documentation
- Parameters
- Argument
- Decomposition
- Control Structure
- Sequencing
- Comments
- Pair Programming
- Input
- Output
- Arithmetic Operators
- Coordinate System
- APIs
- UI Elements
- UI Events
- Event Listining
- Concole.log
- Canvas
- Return Value
- Key Event
- Debugging
- Event Driven Program
- Event Handling
Week 22 |

Day 52- Tuesday February 4
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 16- 3pts
Due Monday Next Week
- Activity Guide - Return Values with Go Fish- 5pts (1-4, Due Today)
- Use the return command to design functions.
- Identify instances when a function with a return value can be used to contain frequently used computations within a program.
- Design functions that return values to perform frequently needed computations within a program.
- Vocab-
- Return Value - A value sent back by a function to the place in the code where the function was called from - typically asking for value (e.g. getText(id)) or the result of a calculation or computation of some kind. Most programming languages have many built-in functions that return values, but you can also write your own.
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 17- 3pts- Due Monday Next Week
- Complete Lesson 17 and Complete Canvas Painter App
- Programmatically control the canvas element in response to user interactions.
- Maintain a dynamically generated array through the running of a program in order to record and reuse user input.
- Use nested loops within a program to repeat a command on the same array index multiple times.
- Perform variable arithmetic within an array index to access items in an array by their relative position.
- Vocab-
- Canvas - a user interface element to use in HTML/JavaScript which acts as a digital canvas, allowing the programmatic drawing and manipulation of pixels, basic shapes, figures and images.
- Key Event - in JavaScript an event triggered by pressing or releasing a key on the keyboard. For example: "keyup" and "keydown" are event types you can specify. Use event.key - from the "event" parameter of the onEvent callback function - to figure out which key was pressed.
- Large Quiz/Small Test Monday next week- 13pts
- 13 Questions
- Unit 5 Lessons 15-17
- Psudocode Test Wednesday- 20pts
- 20 Questions
- All Programing Psuedocode Questions for all of Unit 5

Day 53- Thursday February 6
- Guest Speaker- Mr. Yosfan
- Finish Unit 5 Lessons 16 & 17
- Lessons Due Monday- 3pts each
- Large Quiz/Small Test Monday next week- 13pts
- 13 Questions
- Unit 5 Lessons 15-17
- Psudocode Test Wednesday- 20pts
- 20 Questions
- All Programing Psuedocode Questions for all of Unit 5
Week 21 |

Day 49- Monday January 27
- Array/Lists Videos-
(Use Closed Captions)
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 13- Introduction to Arrays
- Sections 1-31- 3pts
- Due at end of class Today
- Vocab-
- Array - A data structure in JavaScript used to represent a list.
- List - A generic term for a programming data structure that holds multiple items.

Day 50- Wednesday January 29
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 14 Image Scroller App- 10pts
- I will grade Image Scroller App Tomorrow (Thursday) Morning 7:30am
- Use an array to maintain a collection of data in a program.
- Create apps that allow user interaction through key events.
- Refactor code in order to appropriately incorporate new functionality while maintaining readability and consistency.
- Vocab-
- Key Event - in JavaScript an event triggered by pressing or releasing a key on the keyboard. For example: "keyup" and "keydown" are event types you can specify. Use event.key - from the "event" parameter of the onEvent callback function - to figure out which key was pressed.
- Small Test at Start of Class Friday Jan 31
- 12pts
- 12 questions
- Unit 5 Lessons 11-14
Day 51- Friday January 31
- Take Small Test- 12pts
- Former WR Student Questionaire
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 15- Processing Arrays- 3pts Due by start of next class on Tuesday
- Vocabulary-
- for loop - A typical looping construct designed to make it easy to repeat a section of code using a counter variable. The for loop combines the creation of a variable, a boolean looping condition, and an update to the variable in one statement.
Week 20 |
Day 47- Tuesday January 21
- Grade Game Apps
- Use a Physical Paper and turn into Coach B Today- 20pts
- List Your Group Member Names
- List Names od Students From App You Are Grading
- Describe the Game
- How does it keep score
- How can more than one person play the game
- Did the App work correctly
- What could the other group have done to improve their App
- On Back of paper, draw a picture of the screens in the App and how they are connected (arrows)
- Complete 17-18 Unit 5 Lesson
11 - While Loops
- if statements create a "branch" within our program logic, only running some code if a condition is true. If statements only run once.
- We can make our programs repeatedly run a set of commands as long as a condition is true. This new programming construct is called a while loop and is one way we can write programs that repeatedly run a set of commands.
- 3pts
- Due Start of Class Thursday

Day 48- Thursday January 23
- Guest Speaker- We rescheduled Mr. Yosfan for Thursday Feb 6
- Unit 5 Lesson 11 Due at Start of Class- 3pts
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 12- Loops and Simulations
- Sections 1-12- 3pts
- Pairs Worksheet- Flipping Coins (5pts, Due End of Class Today)
- Models and Simulations - a program which replicates or mimics key features of a real world event in order to investigate its behavior without the cost, time, or danger of running an experiment in real life.
Week 19- New Semester |

Day 45- Tuesday January 14
- Welcome Back
- Couch Story (RIP)- Click game controller above
- Let's Review with a Game App
- Seating Chart Day!
- Make a game App that you will show to class on Tuesday January 21
- Here is an AppLab Sandbox to use
- You may have a group of 1-3 people
- 20 points
- No paperwork or Google Doc needed
- Your Game App Needs-
- At least 3 screens
- Intro screen
- Insturctions/Rules Screen
- Game finished screen
- Other screen/screens for game play
- Keeps score
- Multiple players
- Have fun and make something that others would enjoy playing

Day 46- Thursday January 16
- Finish your Game App
- AppLab Sandbox
- Present at start of class Teusday January 21
=======================End of Semester===================
=======================End of Semester===================
=======================End of Semester===================
Week 18 |

Day 43- Monday December 111st Semester Final Exam Review
- Final Exam Review
- Worl Infamous Coach B Review Game
- Extra Credit Rewards- 1st- 8pts, 2nd 6pts, 3rd 4pts
- Extra Credit will be applied for this semester only
- Final Exam Details
- 100 Questions
- 50 Points- Each question worth 1/2 a point
- I will round Final score- Ex 87 question correct receives the score 44 out of 50.
- True/False or Multiple Choice
- Open notes
- Bring something that is quiet for when done with final
- You may use the entire final period to complete the test
- Google Form- 100 questions
- You will have Final Exam score and Final Grade in class before you leave
- Mr. Burrill Quiz can count for 2% grade adjustement if needed
- Good luck on your final!

Day 44- Final Exam!
- Final Exam Details
- 100 Questions
- 50 Points- Each question worth 1/2 a point
- I will round Final score- Ex 87 question correct receives the score 44 out of 50.
- True/False or Multiple Choice
- Open notes
- Bring something that is quiet for when done with final
- You may use the entire final period to complete the test
- Google Form- 100 questions
- You will have Final Exam score and Final Grade in class before you leave
- Mr. Burrill Quiz can count for 2% grade adjustement if needed
- Good luck on your final!
Week 17 |

Day 41- Tuesday December 10- Unit 5 Building Apps-
- Complete Lesson 9- if-else-if and conditional logic- 3pts
- 2 Videos to watch. I will show on my screen
- Complete sections 1-16
- Start Lesson 10- Build a Color Sleuth App
(Solo or Pair)

Day 42- Thursday December 12- Unit 5 Building Apps-
- Finish Lesson 10- Build a Color Sleuth App
- Present Your App Today- (Solo or Pair) 10pts
World Infamous Review Game Monday- Extra Credit Up For Grabs
Final Exam covers entire Semester- 75 Multiple Choice and T/F Questions- 75 Points
Week 16 |

Day 38- Monday December 2- Unit 5 Building Apps- Clicker Game App Due Today
Great Snickers Bet of 2024- Payoff Wednesday
- Complete 17-18, Unit 5 Lessons 4 & 5- (3 Pts Each)- Due today.
- Activity Guide - The Clicker Game (5pts)-
- Must Grade Another Group
- May complete Activity Guide and Multi Screen App (section 4) with 1-4 people in a group.
- Due at end of class today
- Present Your App to Class- 10pts (Last 30min of Class)

Day 39- Wednesday December 4- Unit 5 Lesson 6- User Input and Strings
- Complete Lesson 6 today-

Day 40- Friday December 6-Unit 5 Building Apps- "IF" Statements
- Complete Unit 5 Lessons 7 and 8 today- 6pts
- Please complete both Lessons today! You have a lot to do! I will check for completion Today!!!
- There are videos to watch on Lesson 8- Use headphones or closed captions
- Lesson 7 & 8 Vocabulary-
- Conditionals - Statements that only run when certain conditions are true.
- If-Statement - The common programming structure that implements "conditional statements".
- Selection - A generic term for a type of programming statement (usually an if-statement) that uses a Boolean condition to determine, or select, whether or not to run a certain block of statements.
- An algorithm is a precise sequence of instructions for a process that completes a task. Algorithms can be executed by a computer and are implemented using programming languages.
- Boolean - A single value of either TRUE or FALSE
- Boolean Expression - in programming, an expression that evaluates to True or False.
- Student Resources-
Week 15 |

Day 36- Tuesday November 19- Unit 5 Building Apps- Lesson 4 Controlling Memory with Variables
Great Snickers Bet of 2024
- Students will be able to:
- Use variables in a program to store numeric values.
- Store the value returned by a function (randomNumber, promptNum) in a variable for use in a program.
- Debug problems related to variable re-assignment.
- Write arithmetic expressions that involve variables.
- Reason about multi-line segments of code in which variables are re-assigned multiple times.
- Video- Intorduction to Variables- Part 1 (4min)
- Video- Intorduction to Variables- Part 2 (3min)
- New Vocab and Commands-
- Key Takeaways
- Numbers and strings are two different types of values
- Expressions evaluate to a single new value
- When variables are in the expression just make a copy, don’t change the actual variable.
- Variables are “assigned” a new value
- Evaluate first, then assign
- Old values are deleted forever.
- Assignment just moves information around. It does not “connect” variables.
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 4 (3pts)- As always, work with others.

Day 37- Thursday November 21- Unit 5 - Lesson 5 Building an App: Clicker Game
Great Snickers Bet of 2024
- Students will be able to:
- Use global variables to track numeric data in an app.
- Give a high-level explanation of what “variable scope” means.
- Debug problems related to variable scoping issues.
- Modify existing programs to add and update variables to track information.
- Create a multi screen "clicker" game from scratch
- New Vocab and Commands-
- == - The equality operator (sometimes read: "equal equal") is used to compare two values, and returns a Boolean (true/false). Avoid confusion with the assignment operator "=",
- Global Variable - A variable whose scope is "global" to the program, it can be used and updated by any part of the code. Its global scope is typically derived from the variable being declared (created) outside of any function, object, or method.
- If-Statement - The common programming structure that implements "conditional statements".
- Local Variable - A variable with local scope is one that can only be seen, used and updated by code within the same scope. Typically this means the variable was declared (created) inside a function -- includes function parameter variables.
- Variable Scope - dictates what portions of the code can "see" or use a variable, typically derived from where the variable was first created. (See Global v. Local)
- setText(id, text)
- if( ){ //code }
- __ == __
The Clicker Game- Presentation after Thanksgiving 10pts
- Complete Unit 5 Lesson 5 (3pts)- As always, work with others.
- You will be creating your own “clicker” game similar to the Apple Grabber game you worked on in this lesson.
- The general object of the game is to click on an element that jumps around every time you click it. You will pick your own theme and decide what the rules are and how to keep score.
- Activity Guide - The Clicker Game (5pts)- Can turn in (Groups 1-3 Allowed), Must Grade Another Group
- Step-by-Step Clicker Game App Video Instructions by Mr. Kaiser (36 min)

Past Student Clicker Game Ideas...
- Food- Cookie, pizza, omelette, etc
- Themes- Monsters, space, farming, etc...
- Business- Money, coffee shop, car, etc...
- Coach B- USC, snickers, LEGO, etc...
- Others- Art, music, story, etc...
We will work on Clicker Game App on Monday December 2 when we get back from Thanksgiving Break of rthe first half of class. You will present your clicker game at the end of class. (10pts)
Beat the bRuins!
Week 14 |

Day 34- Wednesday November 13- Unit 5 Building Apps
- Year 17-18, Unit 5, Lessons 1- Buttons and Events
- Students will be able to:
- Use Design Mode to user interface (UI) elements to a screen.
- Create a simple event-driven program by creating user-interface elements with unique IDs and attaching event handlers to them.
- Recognize debugging and responding to error messages as an important step in developing a program.
- Debug simple issues related to event-driven programming
- Video- Intro to Design Mode in App Lab (6 min)
- New Vocab and Commands-
- User Interface (UI) - The "User Interface" or UI of an app refers to how a person (user) interacts with the computer or app.
- UI Elements or objects, like buttons, images, text boxes, pull down menus, screens and so on.
- UI Events or controls, like click, scroll, move mouse, type keyboard key, etc.
- Event-driven program - a program designed to run blocks of code or functions in response to specified events (e.g. a mouse click)
- Event handling - an overarching term for the coding tasks involved in making your app respond to events by triggering functions.
- Event listener - a command (onEvent in App Lab) that can be set up to trigger a function when a particular type of event occurs on a particular UI element.
- Callback function - a function specified as part of an event listener; it is written by the programmer but called by the system as the result of an event trigger.
- event handling with onEvent
- Event Driven Programming Patterns
- App Lab Stuff-
- App Lab makes webpages in the language JavaScript
- HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language
- CSS- Cascading Style Sheets
- Complete 17-18, Unit 5 Lesson 1- No Need to Do Section 23 (3 Pts)

Day 35- Friday November 15- Lessons 2 & 3 Building Apps
9 Points available today- 3pts each for the 2 Lessons. 3pts for the Activity Guide (activity guide instructions at bottom of today's info) turned in today at end of class.
Year 17-18, Unit 5, Lessons 2- Multi-screen Apps (3pts)
- Students will be able to:
- Write a simple event-driven program that has multiple screens.
- Recognize debugging as an important step in developing a program.
- Use console.log to debug simple issues related to event-driven programming.
- New Vocab and Commands-
- Debugging - Finding and fixing problems in your code or algorithm
- User Interface (UI) - The "User Interface" or UI of an app refers to how a person (user) interacts with the computer or app.
- Event-driven program - a program designed to run blocks of code or functions in response to specified events (e.g. a mouse click)
- Event handling - an overarching term for the coding tasks involved in making your app respond to events by triggering functions.
- Using console.log
- Adding new screens and using setScreen
- Complete 17-18, Unit 5 Lesson 2 (3 Pts)
Year 17-18, Unit 5, Lessons 3- Building Multi-screen Apps
- Students will be able to:
- Develop and design a plan for multi-screen application
- Collaborate with a "thought partner" during the implementation of a project
- Create a multi-screen application in App Lab using simple UI elements and event handling
- New Vocab and Commands-
- Event-driven program - a program designed to run blocks of code or functions in response to specified events (e.g. a mouse click)
- Event handling - an overarching term for the coding tasks involved in making a program respond to events by triggering functions.
- Complete 17-18, Unit 5 Lesson 3 (3 Pts)
- Complete Activity Guide- Multi-screen App (3 pts)
- May complete Activity Guide and Multi Screen App (section 4) with 1-4 people in a group.
- Print Activity Guide in class today.
- Due at end of class today. Please give Activity Guide to sub before you leave today.
- See you all next week. Have a great weekend!
- I miss almost all of you!!!
Week 13 |
Day 31- Monday November 4- Turtle Drawing Presentation
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
Scene Project- 20pts
- Share your GoolgeDoc with me, not B Burrill! He is a mean techer!!
- 20 minutes at start of class for everyone to prepeare to present
- We will randomly select groups to present their drawing
- 1 or everyone can present from group
- have your project code loaded on lead programmers computer screen
- I will share screens
- You must describe the group project process with who did what
- Point out usage of at least one loop, function, parameter, and random values
- Describe where and why you used comments.
Next Turtle Programming Project- 20pts

Day 32- Wednesday November 6- Work on Turtle Programming House Project
Turtle Programming Project- 20pts

Day 33- Friday November 8-Unit 3 - Finish Turtle Programming House Project- 20pts
Turtle Programming Project- 20pts
Week 12 |
Day 29- Monday October 28- Unit 3 Project- 20pts
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
Draw a Scene Project!

Day 30- Wednesday October 30-Unit 3 - Finish Turtle Programming Project- 20pts
Sub today is artist and friend Tony Alunni- Awesome Guy! Show him what you are working on and how you made your digital scene. He will love it!

Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
Finish Your Scene Project- Everyone Will Present next Monday November 4- 20pts
Week 11 |

Day 27- Tuesday October 22- Unit 3 - Intro to Programming ('17-'18)
New Seating Chrt Day!
Functions Quiz- 5pts
Coding Today-
- Have 17-18, Unit 3, Lessons 4 & 5 Complete before start of class today
- Lessons 6 & 7 Today (6pts)

Complete Lesson 6- On own or with a friend- 3pts
- Functions and Top-Down Design
Complete Lesson 7- On own or with a friend- 3pts
- APIs and Function Parameters
- New Blocks
Lesson 6 & 7 Vocab-
- Efficiency: Can many severl deifferent things-
- It could mean the total number of primitive operations performed by the turtle.
- It could mean number of lines of code.
- It could hinge on the ability to reuse code within your own code.
- It could be about the speed and clarity with which you can write the program.
- Abstraction: a simplified representation of something more complex. Abstractions allow you to hide details to help you manage complexity, focus on relevant concepts, and reason about problems at a higher level.
- Function: a named group of programming instructions. Functions are reusable abstractions that reduce the complexity of writing and maintaining programs
- Top Down Design - a problem solving approach (also known as stepwise design) in which you break down a system to gain insight into the sub-systems that make it up.
- API - a collection of commands made available to a programmer
- Documentation - a description of the behavior of a command, function, library, API, etc.
- Hexadecimal - A base-16 number system that uses sixteen distinct symbols 0-9 and A-F to represent numbers from 0 to 15.
- Library - a collection of commands / functions, typically with a shared purpose
- Parameter - An extra piece of information that you pass to the function to customize it for a specific need.
- A "Comment" block doesn't do anything when you run the code. It is simply a way to leave notes in code. Programmers write comments into their code for two main reasons:
- sharing code with other programmers
- remembering their own thoughts or plans for code they write.

Day 28- Thursday October 24-Unit 3 - Intro to Programming ('17-'18)
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
No Quiz Today
Coding Today- Lessons 8 & 9
Complete Lesson 8- Creating Functions with Parameters- 3pts
- Video- Functions with Parameters
- Identify situations for creating functions with parameters.
- Incorporate functions with parameters into an “Under the Sea” digital scene.
- Test functions with parameters using random input.
- New Blocks-
Complete Lesson 9- Looping and Random Numbers- 3pts
- Video- Using Loops
- Introduction to the for loop.
- Practice using loops to draw figures.
- Use loops in conjunction with Top-Down Design and random values to complete a digital scene.
- Loop: a programming construct that repeats a group of commands.
- Iteration: "loop" by another name - the repetition of a statement, process, or procedure.
- For Loop - A particular kind of looping construct provided in many languages. Typically, a for loop defines a counting variable that is checked and incremented on each iteration in order to loop a specific number of times.
Student Favorite- Drawing Project Next Week
Week 10 |

Day 23- Monday October 14
Moneyball- Data and Baseball

Day 24- Wedensday October 16
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
Finsh Moneyball
Quick Infamous Coach B Review Game
Halfway Done With The Semester!
I Turn-In Grades This Weekend!
Day 25- Friday October 18
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
Test Day!!
- 40 Questions, 40 Points
- MC or T/F

Code.org 2017-18, Unit 3, Lessons 4 & 5
--Lesson 4--
- Video- Turtle Programming (4min)
- Learn to use the App Lab programming environment
- Write a program that uses basic "building blocks" to draw an image in App Lab
- Think about what "efficiency" means when programming
Complete Lesson 4
--Lesson 5--
- Video- Calling Functions (5min)
- Define and Call Functions (Proceedures)
- Write functions with names that describe what each function does in solving the problem.
- Write a program that uses more than one function and more than one level of abstraction.
Complete Lesson 5
Introduced Code
New Blocks
Important Programming Vocab-
- Programming Language- A coding language used to dictate specific instructions to a computer.
- Programming Environment- A tool where you write and run computer programs. Ex. App Lab
- Turtle Programming - a classic method for learning programming with commands to control movement and drawing of an on-screen robot called a "turtle". The turtle hearkens back to early implementations in which children programmed a physical robot whose dome-like shape was reminiscent of a turtle.
- Algorithm - A precise sequence of instructions for processes that can be executed by a computer
- Iterate - To repeat in order to achieve, or get closer to, a desired goal.
- Selection - A generic term for a type of programming statement (usually an if-statement) that uses a Boolean condition to determine, or select, whether or not to run a certain block of statements.
- Boolean Condition- Using Boolean expressions (true/false) inside conditionals (if/else). Thanks to conditionals, programs can respond differently based on different inputs and parameters.
- Conditionals- programming element that allows a computer to make decisions depending on specific criteria. They enable a program to execute distinct code branches based on particular conditions.
- Sequencing - Putting commands in correct order so computers can read the commands.
- Abstraction: a simplified representation of something more complex. Abstractions allow you to hide details to help you manage complexity, focus on relevant concepts, and reason about problems at a higher level.
- Function: a named group of programming instructions. Functions are reusable abstractions that reduce the complexity of writing and maintaining programs
Next Week-
- Have Unit 3 Lessons 4 & 5 Completed by Tuesday (6pts)
- More Turtle Programming
- Group Turtle Picture Drawing
Week 9 |

Day 21- Tuesday October 7
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
No Quiz Today
Privacy Policies-
Video- How to read privacy policies like a lawyer (6min)
- Discuss Video
- Pick a App/Website to Look at Privacy Policy - Ideas Below
- Education: Code.org, Khan Academy, Codecademy.com
- Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok
- Online store: Amazon, Target, Walmart
- Mail & communication: Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Skype, Google Hangouts
- Streaming sites: Netflix, Spotify, Pandora
- Gaming sites: Steam, Xbox Live
- 3pts- Create a One Page Document listing thoughts about Google Privacy & Terms of Usage (1-3 People)
Facial Recognition-
- Video- Is Facial Recognition Invading Your Privacy? (5min)

- Do the harms of giving up privacy outweigh the benefits of the technology they power.
- Key Takeaways
- Data that may not seem private, like a birthdate or zipcode, can be combined to uniquely identify you.
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII): information about an individual that identifies, links, relates, or describes them.
- Technology enables the collection, use, and exploitation of information about, by and for individuals, groups, and institutions. Geolocation, cookies, and browsing history can all be used to create knowledge about an individual. Most digital technology needs some kind of PII to work (for example street navigation needs to know your location or PII stored online to simplify making online purchases).
- Other times websites collect more data to improve their services.
- Many services and websites collect information (like your browser history) that can be used to advertise to you by creating detailed profiles of who you are and what you like. Search engines also can record and maintain a history of searches made by users. This information can be used to suggest websites or for for targeted marketing.
- Once data is made digital, and especially once it's shared online, it's much harder to control.
- PII can be used to steal the identity of a person, or stalk them online. Information that is often posted on social media can be combined to create a profile on you.
Hacks and Attacks-
- Video- The Internet: Cybersecurity & Crime (5min)
- Computer Virus- A computer virus is a program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas of a computer or network router's hard drive and then making copies of itself. Some viruses are harmless, others may damage data files, and some may destroy files.

- Keylogging- The use of a computer program to record every keystroke made by a computer user, especially in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.
- Phishing- The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
- Spear Fishing- a type of phishing campaign that targets a specific person or group and often will include information known to be of interest to the target, such as current events, personal names, or financial documents.
- Malware- Malware (short for “malicious software”) is a file or code, typically delivered over a network, that infects, explores, steals or conducts virtually any behavior an attacker wants. And because malware comes in so many variants, there are numerous methods to infect computer systems.
- Ransomware- Ransomware is a malware designed to deny a user or organization access to files on their computer. By encrypting these files and demanding a ransom payment for the decryption key, cyberattackers place organizations in a position where paying the ransom is the easiest and cheapest way to regain access to their files.
- DDoS Attack- DDoS Attack means "Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack" and it is a cybercrime in which the attacker floods a server with internet traffic to prevent users from accessing connected online services and sites.
Journal Love!
Day 22- Thursday October 9
Quiz Today- 10pts
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
Encryption and Data Protection
Data Breaches-
- Use this Website- World's Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks
- Pick a Data Breach and research it some more
- Make a 3 page Google Slides presentation including the following Info (5pts)
- Share with Coach B
- 1-3 People Per Presentation
- Link to at least 2 articles about your Data Breach
- List date, time, and company name of the Data Breach
- What was taken in the Data Breach
- What was the estimated cost of the breach
- Was there any ransom paid
- How were customers effected
- Anything else we should know
Famous/Infamous Coach Burrill Stalking Assignment!
- Directions in Class
- Front Side- Coach B Picture and Student Names

- Back Side- Coach B Personal Info
- Competition Judged by Coach B
- Drawing 25%
- Info 75%
- Accuracy
- Volume
- Uniqueness
- Points Awarded per Class Period-
- Best = 12pts
- 1-10 = 10pts
- 11-20 = 8pts
- 21-... = 7pts
- Worst = 6pts
Week 8 |
Day 19- Tuesday October 1
- Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Follow directions on Website
- Google and Amazon Quiz today- 10pts
- Apple Inc
- Logo Partner Extra Credit Challenge
- 1-3 Group- Big Data Project (5pts)
- Define, Explain, and Give an Example of the following 3 Data Topics-
- Big Data
- Open Data
- Crowdsourced Data
- Share your Google Doc with me
- Due at end of class

Day 20- Thursday October 3
No Quiz Today
Sign-Up for 2025 AP Exam Here
- Since its beginning, artificial intelligence has come under scrutiny from scientists and the public alike. One common theme is the idea that machines will become so highly developed that humans will not be able to keep up and they will take off on their own, redesigning themselves at an exponential rate.
- Weak artificial intelligence embodies a system designed to carry out one particular job. Weak AI systems include video games such as the chess example from above and personal assistants such as Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri. You ask the assistant a question, and it answers it for you.
- Strong artificial intelligence systems are systems that carry on the tasks considered to be human-like. These tend to be more complex and complicated systems. They are programmed to handle situations in which they may be required to problem solve without having a person intervene. These kinds of systems can be found in applications like self-driving cars or in hospital operating rooms.
- Machine Learning- is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.
- Bias- Machine Learning bias, also known as algorithm bias or Artificial Intelligence bias, refers to the tendency of algorithms to reflect human biases. It is a phenomenon that arises when an algorithm delivers systematically biased results as a consequence of erroneous assumptions of the Machine Learning process Examples- Race, Gender, Economic, Religion, etc…
IBM Watson!-
- Video- Supercomputer: Watson(IBM computing system) - Documentary

- What is inside Watson- a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers, each of which uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight-core processor, with four threads per core. In total, the system has 2,880 POWER7 processor threads and 16 terabytes of RAM.
- Video- Watson and the Jeopardy! Challenge
- What is Watson being used for now- Weather Forecasting, Building Codes, Cancer Treatment, Financial Planning, Teaching Assistance Tools, Tax Preparation, Fashinon Design, and Advertising.
- Discuss Videos
Google Doc AI Vocab- (5pts)
- Solo or with partner
- If pair, place both names on Doc
- Dua by end of class
- Share With Casey Burrill
- Define and give an exampe
- Vocab Terms and Concepts-
- Weak AI
- Storng AI
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Bias
- Discribe Watson and Machine Learning
Stem for Kids Presentation (End of Class)
Week 7 |

Day 16- Monday September 23
- Test- 40 points, 40 questions
Review Unit 1 Code.org Assessment
- Google Doc Project- 5pts
- Code.org Unit 1 Assessment
- Complete by End of Class Today
- 1-3 Person Project
- Place everyone's name on the Google Doc- Share with Coach B
- Record questions and reasons for correct answers for any incorrect response on the assessment

Day 17- Wednesday September 25
Unit 5 - Data ('23-'24)
In this unit learn how data analysis helps turn raw data into useful information about the world. Learn how to use data visualization to find patterns inside of data sets and learn how this data analysis process is being used in contexts like open data or machine learning to help make decisions or learn more about our world. In the unit project, you'll analyze a dataset of your choosing and present your findings.
- Data Graphs
- 1-3 Group- Google Trends Project (5pts)
- Video- How to use Google Trends
- Conduct a Google Trends Data Exploration
- Make a bold statement
- Search topics using Google Trends
- List on a Google Doc info you have found to support your bold statement
- Must include a graph
- Share your Google Doc with me
- Some Trends Ideas-
- Sports
- Movies
- Music
- Famous People
- Stores
- Colleges
- Medicine
- Video Games
Day 18- Friday September 27
Big Data Drawing Assignment- 5pts
- Take a blank piece of paper from Grandma's Table
- May work on own or in a pair
- You can only draw a picture to discribe your selected vocab
- Possible Vocab
- Hadoop
- Amny of the 5 V's of Big Data
- Crowdsourced Data
- Parallel Processing
- Distributed File System
- Due at end of class
- 5pts
Week 6 |

Day 14- Tuesday September 17
- Internet Quiz 2 Today- 6pts
- Internet Layers
- Internet Simulator- Unit 1 Lesson 5
- Internet Simulator- Unit 1 Lesson 6

- Complete all of Unit 1 Code.org Lessons 4-7 (8pts, due on Thursday)
- Warriors of the Net Video on Thursday! Review Thursday.
- Test Monday Next Week (40pts)
- Vocab- HTTP, HTTPS, HTML, URL, Web Browser, Server, Get Request, Post Request, Cookie, SSL & TLS, Digital Certificate, Layers of the Internet, Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship, and Digital Divide
- Journal Love

Day 15- Thursday September 19
- As promised for those 20% of you who will have a life altering experience...
- Review- The cinematography rivals that of Kubrick and Hitchcock. The animation is the best I've ever seen, I mean, it's truly stunning. Avatar doesn't even hold a candle to to this. The voice is passionate and memorable. Plus, that ending is one of the most emotionally charged scenes put to film. This film is so entirely great I just can't even handle its majesty.
- Opening of the movie- For the first time in history people and machinery are working together, realizing a dream. A uniting force that knows no geographical boundaries. Without regard to race, creed or color. A new era where communication truly brings people together. This is the dawn of The Net.
- Video- Warriors of the Net (13min)
- Manuscrpipt
- Need some merch?
- New Vocab- Swith and Firewall
- Mr. B Review Game Today!
- Test Monday- 40pts
Week 5 |

Day 11- Monday September 9
- Finish War Games movie
- A young computer whiz kid accidentally connects into a top secret super-computer which has complete control over the U.S. nuclear arsenal. It challenges him to a game between America and Russia, and he innocently starts the countdown to World War 3. Can he convince the computer he wanted to play a game and not the real thing
- Some Fun War Games Movie Facts/Info
- 1983 Release, Coach B is 13 years old and is in 8th grade.
- Movie made over $125 million at the U.S. box office.
- Cost $12 million to make the movie.
- It did cause some fear for Americans including then-President Ronald Reagan, who reportedly ordered a review on the security of defense computers after seeing the film.
- Movie was nominated for 3 Academy Awards.
- According to John Badham, the jeep trying to crash through the gate at NORAD and turning over was an actual accident. The jeep was supposed to continue through the gate. They added the scene of the characters running from the jeep and down the tunnel, and used the botched jeep stunt.
- The NORAD command center built for the movie cost $1 million, making it the most expensive set ever constructed at the time. The producers were not allowed into the actual NORAD command center, so they had to imagine what it was like. In the DVD commentary, director John Badham notes that the actual NORAD command center isn't nearly as elaborate as the one in the movie, calling the set "NORAD's wet dream of itself."
- The studio had the Galaxian (1979) and Galaga (1981) arcade machines delivered to Matthew Broderick's home. He practiced for two months to prepare for the arcade scene.
- The movie includes the first cinematic reference to a "firewall," a security measure used in computer networking and Internet security.
- The WOPR, as seen in the movie, was made of wood and painted with a metal-finish paint. As the crew filmed the displays of the WOPR, Special Effects Supervisor Michael L. Fink sat inside and entered information into an Apple II computer that drove the countdown display.
- 8 Question Quiz on War Games Movie (8 Pts)

Day 12- Wednesday September 11
- Test Review Soon?!?!
- Internet Delivery Options
- TCP and UDP
- Latency: Latency = delay. It’s the amount of delay (or time) it takes to send information from one point to the next. Latency is usually measured in milliseconds or ms. It’s also referred to (during speed tests) as a ping rate.
- Pipe Example- Bandwidth has to do with how wide or narrow a pipe is. Latency has to do with the contents of the pipe; how fast it moves from one end to the next.
- Bit Rate- Actual speed your intenret connection is getting.
- Bandwidth: the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time, usually measured in bits per second.
- Journal Love
- Vocab- Telegraphs,Telephone, Ethernet Cable, WiFi, Fiber Optic Cable, Starlink, Alphabet Lasers, IP Packets, Router, UDP, TCP, Fault Tolerant, Reliability, Redundancy, Cheapest Route, Dense Wave Division Multiplexing, Repeaters
- Names- Cyrus West Field, Elon Musk

Day 13- Friday September 13
- Internet Quiz 1- 6pts
- Unit 1 Test Review Soon?!?!
- Unit 2- Lesson 1
- After a short transition from representing information in Unit 1 to communicating information in Unit 2, students take time to think about their knowledge of the Internet and how it works. Following this, students are introduced to a new widget: The Internet Simulator which they will use throughout this unit to explore the inner workings of the Internet.
- The Internet
- What is the Internet?
- Vint Cerf, Bob Khan, and Paul Baron, invent a packet network
- Explore the Internet Simulator. How does it work? What can I do with it?

- Unit 2- Lesson 2- Computer Networks
- Video- The Internet: Packets, Routing & Reliability (7min)
- Computing Device: a machine that can run a program, including computers, tablets, servers, routers, and smart sensors
- Computing System: a group of computing devices and programs working together for a common purpose
- Computing Network: a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data.
- Path: the series of connections between computing devices on a network starting with a sender and ending with a receiver.
- Unit 2- Lesson 3-
- In a previous lesson, we explored the Internet Simulator, where each of you were connected to one other person by a single wire. What are the potential problems with this setup?
- Video- The Internet IP Addresses and DNS
- A Router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets. A packet is typically forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute an internetwork (e.g. the Internet) until it reaches its destination node.
- Lots of Vocab- Protocols, Router, Inernet Protocol (IP), IP Addresses, ISP, IPv4, IPv6, DNS, DNS Spoofing, and DDoS
- People- Vint Cerf, Bob Kahn, Paul Baron, Steve Jobs, and Tim Berners-Lee
- End of Class Stuff
- Internet Simulator Time- Unit 2. Lesson 1, Section 4
- Internet Simulator Time- Unit 2. Lesson 3, Section 2
- Finish Code.org Unit 2, Lessons 1-3 (6pts)
- Journal Love
Week 4 |

Day 9- Tuesday September 3
- Creative Commons Quiz- 3pts
- World Famous Mr. B Review Game
- Journal/Notes Love

Day 10- Thursday September 4
- 40 pts
- 40 Multiple Choice Questions
- Beat Utah State!

- Start War Games movie
- A young computer whiz kid accidentally connects into a top secret super-computer which has complete control over the U.S. nuclear arsenal. It challenges him to a game between America and Russia, and he innocently starts the countdown to World War 3. Can he convince the computer he wanted to play a game and not the real thing
- Some Fun War Games Movie Facts/Info
- 1983 Release, Coach B is 13 years old and is in 8th grade.
- Movie made over $125 million at the U.S. box office.
- Cost $12 million to make the movie.
- It did cause some fear for Americans including then-President Ronald Reagan, who reportedly ordered a review on the security of defense computers after seeing the film.
- Movie was nominated for 3 Academy Awards.
- According to John Badham, the jeep trying to crash through the gate at NORAD and turning over was an actual accident. The jeep was supposed to continue through the gate. They added the scene of the characters running from the jeep and down the tunnel, and used the botched jeep stunt.
- The NORAD command center built for the movie cost $1 million, making it the most expensive set ever constructed at the time. The producers were not allowed into the actual NORAD command center, so they had to imagine what it was like. In the DVD commentary, director John Badham notes that the actual NORAD command center isn't nearly as elaborate as the one in the movie, calling the set "NORAD's wet dream of itself."
- The studio had the Galaxian (1979) and Galaga (1981) arcade machines delivered to Matthew Broderick's home. He practiced for two months to prepare for the arcade scene.
- The movie includes the first cinematic reference to a "firewall," a security measure used in computer networking and Internet security.
- The WOPR, as seen in the movie, was made of wood and painted with a metal-finish paint. As the crew filmed the displays of the WOPR, Special Effects Supervisor Michael L. Fink sat inside and entered information into an Apple II computer that drove the countdown display.
Week 3 |
Day 7- Tuesday August 27
Points Today- Quiz (7pts), Code.org Unit 1 Lessons 9 & 10 (4pts)
- Quiz (5pts)- Hexadecimal/RGB
- File Size Discussion-
- Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB
- See Chart at bottom of today's schedule
- Video- Text compression widget with Aloe Blacc
- Lesson 9- Students use the Text Compression Widget to experiment with compressing songs and poems and try to find their ‘personal best’ compression. A video introduces important vocabulary for the lesson and demonstrates the full features of the widget. Students pick a text they think will be ‘easy’ to compress and one they think will be ‘difficult’, paying attention to why some texts might be more compressible than others. As a wrap-up, students discuss what factors make some texts more compressible than others.
- Lesson 10- Students are introduced to lossy compression via the Lossy Text Compression widget. They apply this concept and their prior knowledge of sampling to create their own lossy compressions of image files using the Lossy Image Widget. Students then discuss several practical scenarios where they need to decide whether to use a lossy or lossless compression algorithm. The lesson ends with a discussion of the situations where lossless compression is important and the situations where lossy compression is important.
- Using abbreviations and symbols is a form of compression, where we try to represent the same information with fewer characters.
- Use the Text Compression Widget to experiment with compressing songs and poems and try to find your ‘personal best’ compression.
- The widget we are using is an example of lossless compression
- The compression percentage at the bottom of the screen is calculated by comparing the number of bytes in the original message and the number of bytes in the compressed message.
- Complete Code.org Unit 1 Lesson 9 & 10- 4pts
- Syllabus Due Friday
- Journal Love

Day 8- Thursday August 29
- Collect Last Page of the Syllabus
- Quiz- Lossy/Lossless (5pts)
- Today's Presentation
- Lesson 11- Students are asked to reflect on who owns their creative works from this class, such as their pixel images, before reading an article describing how ownership can become complicated as analog works become digital artifacts. After reading the article, students watch several videos explaining copyright and introducing them to the Creative Commons. Students then discuss the benefits, harms, and impacts of current copyright policy
- Lesson 12- In this lesson students begin tackling the question of whether digitizing information has made the world a better or worse place. Students then choose an article they are interested in reading. Students will discuss their preliminary reading and opinions after today's lesson and will have a chance to share with the class.
- Unit 1- Lesson 11-12
- Journal/Notes Love
- USC Plays Football Sunday, 4:30pm PST.
- BEAT LSU!!!!
- Fight On!
Week 2 |

Day 3- Monday August 19- Busy Day Today!
Points Today- Quiz (5pts), Code.org Unit 1 Lessons 4-6 (6pts)
Binary Numering Issues
- Got your Notebook/Journal Ready?!!?

- Binary Quiz- 5 pts
- Watch Video (8min)- How Gangnam Style Broke YouTube
- Discuss Video
- Overflow Error- An error that occurs when the computer attempts to handle a number that is too large for it. Every computer has a well-defined range of values that it can represent. If during execution of a program it arrives at a number outside this range, it will experience an overflow error.
- Read Article- Y2K Bug
- Fractions/Decimals in Binary
- Can we create all possible fractions in binary?
- More Binary Games
Letters and Keyboard Buttons in Binary

01010101 01000011 01001100 01000001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01001100 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100001
- My PowerPoint For Text and Binary
- We know how computers count using binary, but what about text, words, sentaces?
- Representing Text in Binary
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is one of the most common character encoding standards.
- Originally developed from telegraphic codes, ASCII is now widely used in electronic communication for conveying text. As computers can only understand numbers, the ASCII code represents text (characters) with different numbers.
- This is how a computer ‘understands’ and shows text.
- The original ASCII is based on 128 characters. These are the 26 letters of the English alphabet (both in lower and upper cases); numbers from 0 to 9; and various punctuation marks. In the ASCII code, each of these characters are assigned a decimal number from 0 to 127. For example, the ASCII representation of upper case A is 65 and the lower case a is 97.

- Watch video (8min)- ASCII (Binary as Text)
- ASCII Chart- Sample ASCII Chart
- Display a ASCII Chart on your device
- Let's try it...
- What does this say- 01010101 01010011 01000011
- Can you write your first name in Binary???
- My name (Casey) is in the graphic to the right -->
- Write in Binary- "Hello, I am ____. I am ____ years old."
- There are online converters (like this one) if you want to wimp out and cheat
- My T-Shirt Today
- Sending text messages is really sending binary numbers. It all comes back to zeroes and ones, always! Binary is KING!!!
- Use code.org Log-In codes
- Complete Code.org Unit 1 Lessons 4-6 (6pts)- Due start of Class Wednesday
- ASCII ART FUN- Picture to ASCII ART Website
- Journal/Notes Love
- Syllabus Discussion and Handout on Friday
- Quiz Wednesday
- Overflow Error & Roundoff Error
- Binary -> Text
- ASCII Chart Needed for Quiz- ASCII Chart should have keyboard Button, Decimal, Binary, and Hexadecimal numers.

Day 4- Wednesday August 21
Points Today- Quiz (5pts), Code.org Unit 1 Lesson 7 (2pts), Activity Guide (5pts)
- Quiz- Binary/Text/ASCII (5pts),get your ASCII Chart out!
- 11th Graders Leave at 10:30am for Admin Meeting in Theatre.

- Vocab- Analog, digital, metadata, pixel, and sample
- Watch Video- Screen Histury Part 1 (2min)
- Students explore how black and white images are represented. Students use the black and white pixelation widget on code.org to represent each pixel of an image with black or white light. They learn how to sample an analog image using small squares of uniform size (each represented with a black or white value) and reflect on the pros and cons of choosing a smaller or larger square size when sampling.
- Pixel- Picture Element, smallest square on a screen
- Pixel- White or Black pixel for today
- 0 = Black (Light Off), 1=White (Light On)
- Analog, Digital, Metadata, and Sample
- Watch Video on your monitor, turn on CC- B&W Pixelation Tutorial (3min)
- With Friends, Complete Code.org Unit 1 Leeson 7 (3pts) Including Challenge A, B, & C
- Complete with a friend
- Activity Guide (5pts), Print out Guide and give to me by end of class today. You can also do everything electronicly and email it to me. Put you and your friend's names on the activity guide so you get credit.
- What are we doing Friday? Color Images!
- Journal/Notes Love

Day 5- Friday August 25
Points Today- Code.org Unit 1 Lesson 8 (2pts)
- No Quiz today
- Collect Activity Unit 1 Lesson 7 Activity Guide
- Discuss Syllabus
- Instagram Video (6min)- Images, Pixels, and RGB
- Color Pixels on Your Screen
- This is a second opportunity for students to interact with the Pixelation Widget, but this time they will work with color pixels. Students start off learning that each pixel uses red, green, and blue lights that can be turned on or off using bits. They will create more color variants using an increasing amount of bits per pixel, and apply their learning by approximating an analog color image using the widget.
- Hexadecimal Counting System Needed for Colors on Your Screen
- 1 Byte used for each of the 3 colors
- 256 red * 256green * 256 blue = 16,777,216 total colrs available
- Video- Hex Code for Dummies
- Video Game- Flippy Bit And The Attack Of The Hexadecimals From Base 16
- For the Cheaters in the Room- Hexadecimal, Decimal, and Binary Online Converter
- Complete Code.org Unit 1 Lesson 8- 2pts
- Journal/Notes Love
- Vocab- Pixel, Resolution, Density, Filter, Function, RGB, Hexadecimal
- Quiz Tuesday next week to start class!
- Fight On, and Have a Great Weekend!
Week 1 |

Day 1- Tuesday August 113- Intro and Coach B Quiz
- Inttoduction to Class
- World Famous Mr. Burrill Quiz
- Log-in to WR Machines
- Check-Out Website- wrwebheads.com

Day 2- Thursday August 15- Representing Information / Binary Numbers
Binary Numbers-
In this lesson, students will practice representing numbers in binary (base 2). Students can convert between binary (base 2) and decimal (base 10) numbers. They will practice converting numbers and explore the concept of place value in the context of binary numbers.
Takeaways and Reminders-
- You need a notebool!
- Thoughts on why you are in this class and what you would like to get out of it
- Vocab- Bit, Byte, Transistor, CPU, Binary, and Decimal
- Understand Binary Counting
- Optional- Flippy Do Chart