Download Web Development 1 & 2 Syllabus

Fall 2021 Web Design Student Work
I have two periods of Web Development classes with both Web 1 & 2 in each period.
Download Web Development 1 & 2 Syllabus
Last Project- Final Website |
Congrats to all of you who made the Snickers Bet and selected the Bruins! I have your Snickers Bar today. Those of you who lost (like me), I will take your Snickers Bar today! Don't make the House Angry!
Final Project is Here
Final is 400pts and is due at the end of the semester. There are no other assignments coming your way. I will take late work all semeter. Email me when you have completed the final or your old projects.

Week 15 |

Day 34- Tuesday November 16--
Make a Football Game Snickers Bet Here
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Pet/Animal Website (50pts)
- Make a website about your favorite pet or animal
- You will need 6 pages for your site
- Must include an Image Carousel
- Must include a Button
- You must use Google Sites to create your pet website
- index.htm page must link to your new Google Site

Day 35- Thursday November 18-
Make a Football Game Snickers Bet Here
Sorry I am missing you all today. My wife had surgery and I need to be with her. She will be fine. Have a great Thanksgiving!!! Final project when we get back from Thanksgiving Break! Beat UCLA!
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Clothing Website (50pts)
- Make a website about your favorite clothing company or style of clothing
- Make this site look like you are selling these clothes or style
- You will need 6 pages for your site
- Must include an Image Carousel
- Must include a Button
- You must use Google Sites to create your clothing website
- index.htm page must link to your new Google Site
Have a great Thanksgiving Break!
Week 14 |

Day 32- Tuesday November 9--
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Portfolio Website (60pts)
- Make a website about your WR Web Development Projects
- You will have today and Friday to work on this Google Site
- Make this site look like you are for hire as Web Developer and Graphic Designer
- You will need 6 pages for your site
- You must use Google Sites to create your portfolio website
- Include the following 6 pages
- Welcome- Introduce yourself with a picture of you
- Talents- List web design and graphic art skills, plus other business skills you have
- Examples- Select 4 of your best class projects and link to them
- Prices- List your prices for Web Design and Graphic Design
- Images- Place 2 example images on this page that you have created or changed using Photoshop
- Reviews- Create 2 fake reviews of your work
- Google Sites Help Video (15min)
- index.htm page must link to your new Google Site

Day 33- Friday November 10-
- Finish Portfolio Google Site
- All teachers turn grades in on Monday!!!
Week 13 |

Day 29- Monday November 1--
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Day to get caught up!

Day 30- Wednesday November 3-
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- College Website (50pts)
- Make a website about a college or University
- Make a folder named "college" to hold everything
- You will need 5 pages
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Your site must have- Text, pictures, tables, and links to all 5 pages
- Need to have the following pages and web design techniques in your site-
- Home- General Information About Your School, Scrolling Marquee
- Directions- Embed a Google Map
- Athletics
- Alumni- Famous or Important Graduates
- Media- Social Media, YouTube, or news articles about the school
- index.htm page must link to this new website

Day 31- Friday November 5-
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Toy Website (40pts)
- Make a website about your favorite children's toy
- You will need 4 pages for your site
- You must use Google Sites to create your toy website
- Google Sites Help Video (15min)
- Use a Template
- Do not use Dreamweaver or Photoshop
- incude- Text, pictures, and links to all 4 pages
- index.htm page must link to your new Google Site
Week 12 |

Day 27- Tuesday October 26--
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Store Website (50pts)
- Make a website about a local store in SCV that you like to shop at
- Make a folder named "store" to hold everything
- You will need 5 pages
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Your site must have- Text, pictures, tables, and links to all 5 pages
- Need to have the following pages and web design techniques in your site-
- Home- General Information About Your Store, Scrolling Marquee
- Directions- Embed a Google Map
- Sale- Products for sale
- Employment- Jobs available at the store
- Media- Social Media, YouTube, or news articles about the store
- index.htm page must link to this new website

Day 28- Thursday October 28-
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- President Website (20pts)
- Make a folder named "president" to hold everything
- You will need 2 pages
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Your site must have- Text, pictures, tables, and links on both pages
- Need to have the following pages and web design techniques in your site-
- Home- General Information About Your President, Scrolling Marquee
- Slides Page- Insert an Embeded Google Slides Presentation on this page
- Your Google Slide must be at least 3 slides about your US President
- index.htm page must link to this new website
Week 11 |

Day 24- Monday October 18--
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- National Park Website (100pts)
- Make a webpage about a National Park
- You will have 2 days to work on this project
- Make a folder named "park" to hold everything
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Your site must have- Text, pictures, tables, and links to all 10 pages
- Need to have the following pages and web design techniques in your site-
- Home- General Information About the Park including Pricing, Scrolling Marquee
- Weather- Climate information, Weather Widget
- Directions- Link to Google Maps
- Photo Gallery- Pictures of Your Park
- Video Page- Links to YouTube Videos
- Social Media- Links to Social Media Pages
- Reviews- Include at least 2 reviews of your park
- Employment- Details about working at the park
- COVID-19- Park rules and regulations about COVID, Scrollable Content
- History- Park history, Countdown Script to Park anniversary
- index.htm page must link to this new website

Day 25- Wednesday October 20-
- Finish National Park Website
- Can Start on Friday project if you want

Day 26- Friday October 22-
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Winter Break Website (50pts)
- Make a webpage about your upcoming 3 week Winter Break
- Describe things you like to do over Winter Break
- Make a folder named "winter" to hold everything
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Your site must have- Text, pictures, tables, and links to all 5 pages
- Include a Countdown Script to when you start Winter Break
- Create a Google Calendar- Incude the things you will do over Winter Break
- Include a Google Calendar embedded in one of your pages- Add Google Calendar Instructions
- index.htm page must link to this new website
Week 10 |

Day 22- Tuesday October 12--
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- city.htm (10pts)
- Make a webpage about a US City that you like
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Need information about your city
- Weather Widget Website
- Must add a wether forecast widget on your page
- index.htm page must link to this new webpage

Day 23- Thursday October 14-
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- candy.htm (10pts)
- Make a webpage about your fav candy bar
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Include information about your candy bar
- Need a scrolling marquee
- Need scrollable content
- index.htm page must link to this new webpage
I will put in 10 week grades this weekend!
- I will be grading- Sunglasses, Travel, Watches, City, and Candy assignments
Week 9 |

Day 20- Late Start Wednesday October 6--
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- watch website(50pts)

Day 21- Friday October 8-
Raytheon Technologies Guest Speaker via Zoom
At Raytheon Technologies, we're accelerating ideas to solve some of the world's biggest challenges by bringing together the brightest, most innovative minds across aviation, space and defense. We form an unrivaled company, with one team coming together across the globe to push the limits of known science and redefine how we connect and protect our world. We are advancing aviation, building smarter defense systems, and creating innovations to take us deeper into space. With more than 100 years of experience, our research and development team is creating breakthrough technologies in fields such as artificial intelligence, advanced propulsion, electrification, and thermal management.
- Some Questions For Our Guest Speaker-
- What is the company use of internet and it's website?
- Does your company have a technology team?
- What is the role of computer science in your industry?
- How is Cybersecurity handled in your orgamization?
- Could you describe one of your typical work days?
- What educational preparation and skills would you recommend for someone who wants to advance in this field?
- What parts of your job do you find most challenging? What parts do you find most rewarding?
- What qualifications do you seek in a new hire in your organization?
- Has the industry changed because of Covid?
Finish working on Watches Website
Week 8 |

Day 17- Monday September 27--

Day 18- Late Start Wednesday September 29-
- Sub Today, See You Friday!
- Please complete the project below
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- suglasses.htm (10pts)
- Make a web page about sunglasses you are selling
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Need a scrolling marquee
- Include a Countdown Script
- index.htm page must link to this new webpage

Day 19- Friday October 1--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- Travel Website (30pts)
- Make a website about a famous travel destination
- Create a "travel" folder
- Need 3 webpages- All linked together
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Need a scrolling marquee
- Nust have a countdown script
- index.htm page must link to this new website
Week 7 |

Day 15- Tuesday September 21-
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- halloween.htm (10pts)

Day 16- Thursday September 23--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- bike.htm (10pts)
- Create your own Bike Webpage
- Must have countdown script
- Must have a scrolling marquee
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Mr. Burrill example page
- index.htm page must link to this new webpage
Week 6 |

Day 12- Monday September 13-
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- radio website (30pts)
- Make radio folder in G Drive
- Create your own Radio Station
- Must have at least 3 pages
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Mr. Burrill example page
- index.htm page must link to this new website

Day 13- Wednesday September 15--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- hats website (30pts)
- Create cartoon folder in G Drive
- Make 3 webpages
- They all must link to each other
- Mr. Burrill example page
- index.htm page must link to this new website

Day 14- Friday September 17--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- shoes.htm (10pts)
- Make a web page about a pair of shoes
- Must have a scrolling marquee
- Mr. Burrill example page
- index.htm page must link to this new webpage
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"><span class="style2">PLACE YOUR TEXT HERE</span></marquee>
Week 5 |

Day 10- Tuesday September 7-
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- bobble.htm (20pts)
- Sell 2 Mr. B Bobble Heads
- Must have a banner that you make using Photoshop
- Burrill Example Page
- index.htm page must link to this new page

Day 11- Thursday September 9--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- cartoon website(30pts)
- Creat cartoon folder in G Drive
- Make 3 webpages
- They all must link to each other
- index.htm
- characters.htm
- other.htm
- Burrill Example Page
- index.htm page must link to this new website
Week 4 |

Day 8- Tuesday August 31 (Min Day)--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- banner.htm (20pts)
- 4 Banners (1000 x 200pixels)
- Burrill Example Page (2 Examples)
- 4 Topics
- Burrill's LEGO Shop
- Casey's Bakery
- Burrill's Auto Repair
- Casey's Florest
- Place banners on a page called banner.htm
- index.htm page must link to this new page
Optional Extra Help- Photoshop Tutorial Video (37min)

Day 9- Thursday September 2--
- Collect Syllabus
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- burrill.htm (10pts)
- 2 Before and After Photos of Coach Burrill
- Picture of Coach Burrill
- Place both original and both new pitctures on page
- index.htm page must link to this new page
Week 3 |

Day 5- Monday August 23--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- sport.htm (10pts)
- Text- Bold, Italic, Ordered List, Numbered List, and Indent
- Images
- Change Background
- Links
- Title Change
- Tables- But in a good way!!!
- index.htm page must link to this new page

Day 6- Wednesday (Late Start) August 25--
- Collect Syllabus
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- car.htm (10pts)
- Text
- Images
- Tables
- Title Change
- Change Background
- Links
- Horizontal Rule
- Tables- But in a good way!!!
- index.htm page must link to this new page

Day 7- Friday August 27--
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- movie.htm (10pts)
- Text- Bold, Italic, Ordered List, Numbered List, and Indent
- Images
- Change Background
- Links
- Title Change
- Horizontal Rule
- Email Link
- Tables- But in a good way!!! 1x1 Outer Table for a 3D Look!!!
- index.htm page must link to this new page
Week 2 |

Day 3- Tuesday August 17--
- Assign Syllabus
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- music.htm
- Text- Bold, Italic, Ordered List, Numbered List, and Indent
- Images
- Tables
- Change Background
- Links
- index.htm page must link to this new page

Day 4- Thursday August 19--
- Collect Syllabus
- Log-In to Computer
- Open Dreamweaver
- Open index.htm Webpage
- Visit wrwebheads.com
- food.htm (10pts)
- Text
- Images
- Tables
- Title Change
- Change Background
- Links
- index.htm page must link to this new page
Week 1 |

Day 1- Wednesday August 11--
- Intro & take roll
- Coach B Quiz
- See You Friday!

Day 2- Friday August 12--
- Seating Chart
- Get Logged-In
- wrwebheads Tour
- Syllabus
- STE File
- Dreamweaver
- Upload and Find First Page (index.htm)