2024 Spring Final Project

20 Pages = 200 Points

Make a website about a Movie Theater that you have created. Give it a unique name with your own unique logo. Your cinema can show 10 movies at one time. Place everything for the final project in a folder named "final". Impress me with your work!

Final Due Tuesday May 21

View Coach Burill Example Website Here


Web Design Techniques Required on Site-

  • Text
  • Images
  • Links
  • Tables
  • Background
  • Banner
  • Rollever Image
  • Count Down
  • Scrolling Marque
  • Weather Widget
  • You can use Drop Down Menu if you want
  • Other?!?!


Pages Needed

  1. index.htm
  2. location.htm
  3. specials.htm
  4. comingsoon.htm
  5. food.htm
  6. prices.htm
  7. employment.htm
  8. owner.htm
  9. midnight.htm
  10. arcade.htm
  11. movie1.htm
  12. movie2.htm
  13. movie3.htm
  14. movie4.htm
  15. movie5.htm
  16. movie6.htm
  17. movie7.htm
  18. movie8.htm
  19. movie9.htm
  20. movie10.htm


Final Due Tuesday May 21