2024 Spring Final Project
20 Pages = 200 Points
Make a website about a Movie Theater that you have created. Give it a unique name with your own unique logo. Your cinema can show 10 movies at one time. Place everything for the final project in a folder named "final". Impress me with your work!
Final Due Tuesday May 21
View Coach Burill Example Website Here
Web Design Techniques Required on Site-
- Text
- Images
- Links
- Tables
- Background
- Banner
- Rollever Image
- Count Down
- Scrolling Marque
- Weather Widget
- You can use Drop Down Menu if you want
- Other?!?!
Pages Needed
- index.htm
- location.htm
- specials.htm
- comingsoon.htm

- food.htm
- prices.htm
- employment.htm
- owner.htm
- midnight.htm
- arcade.htm
- movie1.htm
- movie2.htm
- movie3.htm
- movie4.htm
- movie5.htm
- movie6.htm
- movie7.htm
- movie8.htm
- movie9.htm
- movie10.htm
Final Due Tuesday May 21