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Google IT Support Professional Certificate


Spring 2025

Check-In Dates (7-8pm on Monday Nights)- February 3 until June 2

  • 1st Meeting- Feb 3
  • No class meetings on the following Mondays- Feb 17, April 7, and May 26
  • Last day to finish course will be Monday June 6


Zoom Link

Google Classroom Class Code-xj6qi2d


My Email- cburrill@hartdistrict.org

Helpful Links & Info

Zoom Link

Course Lead- "Coach B" Casey Burrill

Hart District Email (my.hartdistrict.org) Log-In Instructions (PDF File)

Google Classroom- Our Class Code-xj6qi2d

Course Info- Google IT Support Professional Certificate Program (100-140 Hrs)

  • The Google IT Support Professional Certificate has no prerequisites or prior experience requirements.
  • The course is designed to be completed within three to six months
  • Those who devote more time to watching and reviewing videos rather than skimming through the content have a higher completion rate. The report also found that most learners who completed their course did so in 40- to 60-minute learning blocks in one to five learning sessions each week, although daily learning sessions also proved fruitful toward completion.
    • Technical Support Fundamentals- It is designed to take 20 hours to complete over six weeks and includes 99 videos, 23 readings and 22 quizzes.
    • The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking- The course is designed to take six weeks to complete, with five to six hours spent learning each week for 30 hours of total learning time. It includes 96 videos, 22 readings and 34 quizzes.
    • Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User- The course is designed to take six weeks to complete, with four to seven hours spent learning each week for 30 hours of total learning time. It includes 112 videos, 51 readings and 26 quizzes, plus hands-on practice.
    • System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services- The course is designed to take six weeks, with 30 hours of learning time plus a 14-minute final project. It includes 90 videos, 36 readings and 35 quizzes, plus the final project.
    • IT Security: Defense Against the Digital Dark Arts- The course is designed to take six weeks to complete, with three to seven hours spent learning each week for 25 hours of total learning time. It includes 74 videos, 37 readings and 29 quizzes.

Post Course Information and Links-

  • Grow with Google Career Information and Links
  • CompTIA A+ Certification exam, the industry standard for an IT career. Use code Google2024 today for 20% off, and remember, when you pass the exam, you’ll also earn a new co-skilled badge to post on LinkedIn and other social networks! 
  • Other Google Certificates- in Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing & E-commerce, Project Management, and UX Design.


The Google IT Support Certificate is a hands-on, online program designed to prepare beginner learners for entry-level jobs in IT support upon completion of the certificate. The program was developed by Google and covers the fundamentals of IT support, including troubleshooting, customer service, networking, operating systems, system administration, and security. 

Launched in 2018, the Google IT Support Certificate has become the single most popular certificate on Coursera, and thousands of people have found new jobs and increased their earnings after completing the certificate. After seeing the impact this certificate drove for individual learners, Google decided to bring this program for free to educational institutions such as community colleges and CTE high schools. The Google Career Certificates program is a part of Grow with Google, an initiative to help people across the U.S. grow their skills, careers and businesses. Now more than ever, Americans need digital skills to land the jobs they want, advance their careers, and grow their businesses. Grow with Google aims to help by providing free training, tools and expertise.