Make a web site about the Valencia Town Center.Your web site must have the same colors, style, and feel for each page. Every page must link to all the other pages (20 total pages) you have created. Make a folder named "final" and place all your work in that folder. Below is the list of pages you will need to create. Each page is worth 20 points (400pts Total). You must use the web design techniques listed next to each page. The "look" of your pages must be good! Please impress me with the web design skills you have learned this semester. Last day to work on this assignment is your last final exam period. When you are done with the final, email me and I will grade it during class. Then you will have your final grade for this class!You all rock (not as much as Helen), thanks for an amazing semester!
--Web Techniques needed on every page.-- Tables, links, text, images, background change, title, and banner.